Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive EditionMafia: Definitive EditionMafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.

Play a Mob Movie:
Live the life of a Prohibition-era gangster and rise through the ranks of the Mafia.
Lost Heaven, IL:
Recreated 1930's cityscape, filled with interwar architecture, cars and culture to see, hear and interact with.
Re-Made Classic:
Faithfully recreated, with expanded story, gameplay and original score. This is the Mafia you remembered and much more.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.

Golden-era Drama:
Inspired by iconic mafia dramas, be immersed in the allure and impossible escape of life as a wise guy in the Mafia.
Empire Bay, NY:
Post-World War II Empire Bay, NY, a city sprawling with opportunity and where organized crime thrives on the booming industries of post-war America.
The Complete & Remastered Favorite:
For the first-time ever experience the Mafia II crime drama all in one package and presented in stunning HD detail.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Includes main games and DLC releases.

A vast world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the era
Be Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate family
Choose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the Mafia
Build a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betray
Release date: 2020-08-28
Play a Mob Movie:
Play a Mob Movie:Play a Mob Movie:Play a Mob Movie:Live the life of a Prohibition-era gangster and rise through the ranks of the Mafia.
Live the life of a Prohibition-era gangster and rise through the ranks of the Mafia.Live the life of a Prohibition-era gangster and rise through the ranks of the Mafia.Lost Heaven, IL:
Lost Heaven, IL:Lost Heaven, IL:Lost Heaven, IL:Recreated 1930's cityscape, filled with interwar architecture, cars and culture to see, hear and interact with.
Recreated 1930's cityscape, filled with interwar architecture, cars and culture to see, hear and interact with.Recreated 1930's cityscape, filled with interwar architecture, cars and culture to see, hear and interact with.Re-Made Classic:
Re-Made Classic:Re-Made Classic:Re-Made Classic:Faithfully recreated, with expanded story, gameplay and original score. This is the Mafia you remembered and much more.
Faithfully recreated, with expanded story, gameplay and original score. This is the Mafia you remembered and much more.Faithfully recreated, with expanded story, gameplay and original score. This is the Mafia you remembered and much more.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Mafia II: Definitive EditionMafia II: Definitive EditionMafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.

Golden-era Drama:
Inspired by iconic mafia dramas, be immersed in the allure and impossible escape of life as a wise guy in the Mafia.
Empire Bay, NY:
Post-World War II Empire Bay, NY, a city sprawling with opportunity and where organized crime thrives on the booming industries of post-war America.
The Complete & Remastered Favorite:
For the first-time ever experience the Mafia II crime drama all in one package and presented in stunning HD detail.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Includes main games and DLC releases.

A vast world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the era
Be Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate family
Choose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the Mafia
Build a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betray
Release date: 2020-08-28
Golden-era Drama:
Golden-era Drama:Golden-era Drama:Golden-era Drama:Inspired by iconic mafia dramas, be immersed in the allure and impossible escape of life as a wise guy in the Mafia.
Inspired by iconic mafia dramas, be immersed in the allure and impossible escape of life as a wise guy in the Mafia.Inspired by iconic mafia dramas, be immersed in the allure and impossible escape of life as a wise guy in the Mafia.Empire Bay, NY:
Empire Bay, NY:Empire Bay, NY:Empire Bay, NY:Post-World War II Empire Bay, NY, a city sprawling with opportunity and where organized crime thrives on the booming industries of post-war America.
Post-World War II Empire Bay, NY, a city sprawling with opportunity and where organized crime thrives on the booming industries of post-war America.Post-World War II Empire Bay, NY, a city sprawling with opportunity and where organized crime thrives on the booming industries of post-war America.The Complete & Remastered Favorite:
The Complete & Remastered Favorite:The Complete & Remastered Favorite:The Complete & Remastered Favorite:For the first-time ever experience the Mafia II crime drama all in one package and presented in stunning HD detail.
For the first-time ever experience the Mafia II crime drama all in one package and presented in stunning HD detail.For the first-time ever experience the Mafia II crime drama all in one package and presented in stunning HD detail.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Mafia III: Definitive EditionMafia III: Definitive EditionMafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Includes main games and DLC releases.Includes main games and DLC releases.

NEW BORDEAUX, LA:NEW BORDEAUX, LA:NEW BORDEAUX, LA:A vast world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the era
A vast world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the eraA vast world ruled by the mob and detailed with the sights and sounds of the eraA LETHAL ANTI-HERO:
A LETHAL ANTI-HERO:A LETHAL ANTI-HERO:A LETHAL ANTI-HERO:Be Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate family
Be Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate familyBe Lincoln Clay, orphan and Vietnam veteran hell bent on revenge for the deaths of his surrogate familyREVENGE YOUR WAY:
REVENGE YOUR WAY:REVENGE YOUR WAY:REVENGE YOUR WAY:Choose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the Mafia
Choose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the MafiaChoose your own play-style; brute force, blazing guns or stalk-and-kill tactics, to tear down the MafiaA NEW FAMILY ON THE ASHES OF THE OLD:
A NEW FAMILY ON THE ASHES OF THE OLD:A NEW FAMILY ON THE ASHES OF THE OLD:A NEW FAMILY ON THE ASHES OF THE OLD:Build a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betray
Build a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betrayBuild a new criminal empire your way by deciding which lieutenants you reward, and which you betray
Release date: 2020-08-28
Release date: 2020-08-28Release date: 2020-08-28Release date: 2020-08-28